Prof. Donggen Wang

Journal Articles

(2017) (with Lin. T.), “Built Environment, Travel Behavior, and Residential Self-Selection: A study based on panel data from Beijing, China”. Transportation. (in press)

(2017) (with Zhou. M), “The built environment and travel behavior in urban China: a literature review”. Transportation Research Part D, 52, 574-585.

(2017) (with Zhou, M., Li, Q., Yue, Y., Tu, W., and Cao, R), “Impacts of weather on public transport ridership: Results from mining data from different sources”. Transportation Research Part C, 75, 17-29.

(2017) (with Ding, C. Liu, C., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J.), “Exploring the influence of built environment on travel mode choice considering the mediating effects of car ownership and travel distance”. Transportation Research Part A, 100, 65-80.

(2017) (with Chen, B., Yuan, H., Li, Q., Wang, D., Shaw, S.L., Chen, H.P., and Lam, W.H.K.), “Measuring place-based accessibility under travel time uncertainty”. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31:4, 783-804 (DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2016.1238919)

(2017) (with Li, F.), “Measuring urban segregation based on individuals’ daily activity patterns: A multidimensional approach”. Environment and Planning A. 49(2): 467–486. (DOI: 10.1177/0308518X16673213)

(2016) (with Li, F.), “Daily activity space and exposure: A comparative study of Hong Kong's public and private housing residents' segregation in daily life”. Cities. 59, 148-155(2016)(with Wang, F.), “Geography of urban life satisfaction: An empirical study of Beijing”. Travel Behaviour and Society, 5, 14-22.

 (2016)(with Wang, F.), “Geography of urban life satisfaction: An empirical study of Beijing”. Travel Behaviour and Society, 5, 14-22.

• (2015) (With F. Wang) “Contributions of the Usage and Affective Experience of the Residential Environment to Residential Satisfaction”, Housing Studies, published online since Apr 2015 ( DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2015.1025372).

• (2014) (With T. Lin) “Residential self-selection, built environment, and travel behavior in the Chinese context”. The Journal of Transport and Land Use, 7 (3): 5-14.

• (2014) (With F. Li) ‘Cyberspace: connected or segregated? Examining virtual segregation among Hong Kong Internet users’, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41(2): 323 – 340.

• (2014) (With F. Wang) ‘北京市居民汽车使用的特征及其影响因素’, Acta Geographica Sinica, 69 (6): 771-781.

• (2014) (With T. Lin) “Social Networks and Joint/Solo Activity-Travel Behavior”. Transportation Research Part A., 68, issue C, 18-31.

• (2014) (With F. Wang) ‘A Disaggregate Study of Household Car Ownership in Chinese Large Cities: A Case Study of Beijing’, Human Geography, 29(5): 75-80.

• (2013) (With T. Lin) “Built environments, social environments, and activity-travel behavior: a case study of Hong Kong”. Journal of Transport Geography 31, 286-295.

• (2013) (With B. Chen, Q. Li and others) “Reliable Space-time Prism under Travel Time Uncertainty”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(6), pp.1502-1521

• (2013) (With F. Li) “Cyberspace: Connected or Segregated? From Digital Divide to Virtual Segregation”. Environment and Planning B (in press)

• (2012) (with Li, F. and Chai, Y.) “Activity space: a new perspective of socio-spatial segregation in Beijing, China”, Urban Geography 33 (2), 256-277.


Edited Book and Special Issue

 Wang, D. and He, S. (2016) eds. Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living. Springer. 282 pages.

  Cao, X. and Wang, D. (2016) “The Association Between Travel and Satisfaction with Travel and Life: Evidence from the Twin Cities”. In Wang and He (eds) Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living. Springer. 151-167.

Wang, F. and Wang, D. (2016) “Place, Geographical Context and Subjective Well-being: State of Art and Future Directions” In Wang and He (eds) Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living. Springer. 189-230.

 Wang, D. (2015) ed Geographies of Activity-Travel Behavior. Journal of Transport Geography, Special Issue, 47: 84-138

Becky Loo and D. Wang (2014) eds. The Changing Landscapes of Transport and Logistics in China. Special issue of Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 40, Pages 1-164.

  Kwan, M.P., D. Richardson, D. Wang and C. Zhou (eds) (2015) Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Frontiers in the U.S. and China. Dordrecht: Springer, 412 pages.

Conference papers

(with Ding, C.) (July 2016) “Are the travel behavior impacts of built environment time-dependent?” Paper presented at the 10th International Association for China Planning Conference, Beijing, China, June 30th-July 3rd, 2016.

(with Wang, F.) (Apr. 2016) “An Empirical Study on the Health Impacts of Multi-level Built Environments in Urban China”. Paper presented at AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 29-April 2, 2016.

(with Zhou, M.) (Dec. 2015) “Analyzing the trend in car ownership and usage over the past decades in Shenzhen, China”. Paper presented at the 11th Workshop on Spatial Behaviour and Planning. Guangzhou, China, Dec. 10-12, 2015.

(with Lin, T.) (Jul. 2015) “Home relocation and travel behavior change: does social context matter”. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, London, Jul. 19-23, 2015.

(with Wang, F.) (Jun. 2015) “Geography of Urban Life Satisfaction in Beijing”. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on China Urban Development, Shanghai, China, Jun. 5-7, 2015.

(with Lin, T.) (Jun. 2015) “‘Built Environment Transformation and Travel Behavior Changes in Urban China: A Literature Review”. Paper presented at the 9th International Association for China Planning Conference, Chongqing, China, Jun. 19-21, 2015.

(Apr. 2015) “Residential Relocation and Change in Travel Satisfaction in Beijing, China”. Paper presented at AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 21-25, 2015.

(Jan. 2015) ‘Exploring the Spatiotemporal Travel Patterns of Shenzhen Metro Riders from Transport Smart Card Data ’. Big Data and Spatial Behavior and Planning (大数据与时空行为规划研讨会), Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 3-4 Jan 2015.

(Sept., 2014) “Do Travel Attitudes Change after Residential Relocation? A Longitudinal Study of Built Environment, Travel attitudes and Travel Behavior”. The 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, September 10-12th 2014, Leeds, U.K

(With F. Wang) (July, 2014) “Geography of wellbeing: how does residential move change life satisfaction?” Presented at the 9th KOREA-CHINA-JAPAN JOINT CONFERENCE ON GEOGRAPHY, July 6-9, 2014, Busan, KOREA

(With F. Wang) (June 2014) “Residential move and travel satisfaction change: a study of Beijing”. Presented at the ‘Research seminar on Transportation, air pollution and public health in Beijing’, June 30th, 2014, Beijing

(With F. Wang) (June 2014) “Home Relocation and Life Satisfaction Change: A Geographical Perspective”. Paper presented at ‘The 8th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference: Urban Regeneration: New Model and New Practice’, June 20-22, 2014, Guangzhou, China

(With F. Wang) (Dec. 2013) “Congestion in Daily Travel and its Impacts on Subjective Well-Being in Beijing, China”. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. Hong Kong, Dec. 14-16, 2013.

(With J. Cao) (June 2014) “How does decentralization of public housing affect tenants’ activity-travel behavior? An exploratory study in Hong Kong”. Presented at the workshop on ‘Low-Carbon Cities: Land Use and Transportation Interactions’ June 12-13, 2014, Xi’An, China

(With F. Wang) (April 2014) “Residential Satisfaction, Motivations to Move and Decisions to Move in Beijing, China”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Tampa, USA, Apr. 7-12, 2014.

(With T. Lin) (April. 2014) “Residential move and activity-travel behavior change: a longitudinal study in Beijing, China”. Paper presented at the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting, Tampa, USA. April. 7-12, 2014.

(With T. Lin) (April. 2014) “Tradeoffs between within and outside neighborhoods for activities and time use: Do social environments matter?”. Paper presented at the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting, Tampa, USA. April. 7-12, 2014.

(With F. Wang) (Dec. 2013) “A Longitudinal Study of the Linkage between Housing Relocation and Residential Satisfaction in Beijing”. Paper presented at the International conference on China’s urban transformation and restructuring. Guangzhou, China, Dec. 13-15, 2013.

(With T. Lin) (Dec. 2013) “Built environment, travel attitudes and travel behavior: residential self-selection or residential determination? A case study of Beijing, China”. Paper presented at the 18th international conference of Hong Kong society for transportation studies, Hong Kong, Dec. 14-16, 2013.

(With T. Lin) (Dec. 2013) “Social Networks Geographies, neighborhood environments and discretionary activity location choices: a primary analysis”. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis, Hong Kong, Dec. 13, 2013.

(With F. Wang) (Dec. 2013) “Housing Relocation and activity-travel behavior change: some preliminary findings from a study in Beijing, China”. Paper presented at the Workshop on Travel-Activity Behavior Analysis. Hong Kong, Dec. 13, 2013.

(With F. Wang) (Dec. 2012) “Congested city, Stagnating Life? Congestion in Daily Travel and Its Impacts on Subjective Well-being in Beijing”. Paper presented at the Workshop on Space-time Behavior and Smart Travel Cum the Seventh Workshop on Spatial Behavior Research and Planning Spatial-temporal Behavior. Beijing, Dec. 8, 2012;

(With T. Lin) (Dec. 2012) “One Country Two Life Styles: A Comparative study of Time Use and Activity-Travel Behavior between Hong Kong and Beijing”. Paper presented at the International Conference on Spatial and Social Transformation in Urban China, Hong Kong, Dec. 13-14, 2012.