Dr. Danching Ruan

Journal Articles
• (2015) (with Shu Zhu) ‘Birds of a Feather—a Study of Social Networks of Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong’, American Behavioral Scientist. 59 (9): 1100–1114.

• (2013) (with Yao, L. & Lai. Gina). “Social Capital and Economic Integration of Migrants in Urban China”, Social Networks. 35 (3): 357-369

• (2012) (with Chen Liang, James Lee, Hao Zhang, Lan Li, Cameron Campbell, and Shanhua Yang) “Silent Revolution - Social Origins and University Matriculation at Peking University and Suzhou University, 1952-2002”, Social Sciences in China, 193(1): 98-118.

Book Publication
• (2014) (與杨善华、定宜庄) 《缝隙中的改革——黄宗汉与北京东风电视机厂的“破冰之旅”》。北京: 生活•读书

•新知三联书店。 (Shanhua Yang, Danching Ruan, and Yizhuang Ding. 2014. The Breakthrough— Case Study of Huang Zonghan and Beijing East Wind TV Factory in the Early Years of China's Economic Reform. Beijing: Joint Publishing. )

• (2014) (與定宜庄、杨原) 《宣武区消失之前——黄宗汉口述》。北京: 北京出版集团。 (Yizhuang Ding, Danching Ruan, and Yuan Yang. 2014. Beijing's Xuanwu District since 1949— A District Official's Personal Account. Beijing: Beijing Publishing Group. )

• (2013) (with Chen Liang, Hao Zhang, Lan Li, Cameron Campbell, and James Lee) Silent Revolution--Social Origins and University Matriculation at Peking University and Suzhou University, 1949-2002. Beijing: Joint Publishing (Sanlian Chubanshe)